"Americana Music - Keep It Real"
Watch for information on upcoming performances.
Parrotbeach is coming to Reading PA!

Click here for Ticketmaster
See Below for 2008 Tour Highlights
John Frinzi Band w/Nadirah Shakoor at the
Hog's Breath
- thanks to "Dandy Dan" DeCosa - Charlie's Dad...
View more pics from MOTM 2008 trip here
- thanks to Jim Kenny
Meeting Of The Minds 2008 Itinerary
Sunday Oct 26 - Fly to FLL - Drive to Key West
Monday Oct 27 - The Bull 1-5 PM
w/Yankee Jack
Oct 28 - The Bull 1-5 PM w/Yankee Jack
Wednesday - wandering around Key West while Yankee Jack plays
Thursday Oct 30 - The Bull 1-5 PM w/Yankee Jack
Casa Marina 11 PM w/JFB and Friends
JFB will be joined by Doyle Grisham and other notable guests!
Friday Oct 31 - The Bull 1-5 PM w/Yankee Jack
5-9 PM Hog's Breath w/John Frinzi
This will be an informal guest appearance.
John will be joined by Doyle Grisham and other notable guests!
Saturday Nov 1 - The Bull 1-5 PM w/Yankee Jack
Sunday Nov 2 - The Bull 1-5 PM w/Yankee Jack
5-9 PM Hog's Breath w/John Frinzi and Friends
This will be an informal guest appearance.
Monday Nov 3 - Drive to FLL and fly to COLD PA.
Back to the cube...
John Frinzi Band in Las Vegas

October 17-18
Coral Reefers
Doyle Grisham, Michael Utley and Robert Greenidge
and Special Guests
Nadirah Shakoor and Tina Gullickson
JF site for details
It will be great to play with Club Trini
and an added thrill to back Nadirah and Tina on their songs!
It's ALWAYS a pleasure to play with
This will be the JF Florida Band of
Charlie DeCosa, Jimi Pappas
and joined by the multi-talented James
"Sunny Jim" White
What a lineup!
Parrotbeach in the Bahamas
September 23
...see the
PB site for details and pics
...just don't want to let go of this
summer :
Thursday -
August 7
12 noon
to 2:30 PM
John Frinzi Band at
Musikfest - Plaza Tropical
Bethlehem, PA
I will be playing with The JFB in
the afternoon and heading down to Fagers Island in Ocean City, MD to
play with Parrotbeach at 9:30 PM
click here for musikfest schedule
August 9 - Parrotbeach with
Southside Johnny & Asbury Jukes
Roof-A-Thon Festival
July 4 -
Parrotbeach with
the Beach
Boys at the
Hilton Beach Bar in Atlantic City, NJ

click for details
Friday - June 13
John Frinzi Band
w/Coral Reefers
Fingers Taylor and Roger Bartlett
KatManDu - Trenton, NJ

I will be playing with The JFB for this special evening -
Click on
the image for more details.
I hope to see you all there!
SOLO dates and breaking news will be in this block.
Dates and times are subject to change.
Please call venue to confirm before driving long distances.